ts_summary creates a summary of a community time series dataset. The summary contains community-level statistics, including total number of observations, species richness, cross-correlations; as well as summary statistics on the individual populations that make up the community.

Some aspects of the summaries depend on times, which should be a vector of the time index associated with the time series; and effort, which should be a vector of the sampling effort. obs_per_effort is an optional argument for correcting abundance based on effort; by default, it checks if effort is NULL. Interpolation of missing values for autocorrelation calcuations (if needed) is done via interp_method

  times = NULL,
  effort = NULL,
  obs_per_effort = !is.null(effort),
  interp_method = forecast::na.interp,
  include_spp_correlations = TRUE,



a vector, matrix, or data.frame of numeric observations (within columns) across times (within rows).


numeric or Date vector of timestamps of the observations.


numeric vector of effort associated with the observations.


logical indicator if obs should be corrected for effort before summaries are done.


character a function used to interpolate obs. Defaults to na.interp.


whether to include the calculations of between-species correlations


additional arguments to be passed to temp_autocor


ts_summary: list of number of species, number of observations, summaries of the variables, the times, the effort, the species richness, total observation, and the among-species correlation.