Counts of 17 rodent species across 24 sampling events, with the count being the total number observed across three trapping webs (146 traps in total) (Lightfoot et al. 2012).



A list of two data.frame-class objects with rows corresponding to documents (sampling events). One element is the document term table (called document_term_table), which contains counts of the species (terms) in each sample (document), and the other is the document covariate table (called document_covariate_table) with columns of covariates (time step, year, season).



Lightfoot, D. C., A. D. Davidson, D. G. Parker, L. Hernandez, and J. W. Laundre. 2012. Bottom-up regulation of desert grassland and shrubland rodent communities: implications of species-specific reproductive potentials. Journal of Mammalogy 93:1017-1028. link.