Set the class and name the elements of the results list returned from applying TS to the combination of TS models requested for the LDA model(s) input.

package_TS_on_LDA(TSmods, LDA_models, models)



list of results from TS applied for each model on each LDA model input.


List of LDA models (class LDA_set, produced by LDA_set) or a singular LDA model (class LDA, produced by LDA).


data.frame object returned from expand_TS that contains the combinations of LDA models, and formulas and nchangepoints used in the TS models.


Class TS_on_LDA list of results from TS applied for each model on each LDA model input.


# \donttest{
  document_term_table <- rodents$document_term_table
  document_covariate_table <- rodents$document_covariate_table
  LDAs <- LDA_set(document_term_table, topics = 2:3, nseeds = 2)
  LDA_models <- select_LDA(LDAs)
  weights <- document_weights(document_term_table)
  mods <- expand_TS(LDA_models, c(~ 1, ~ newmoon), 0:1)
  nmods <- nrow(mods)
  TSmods <- vector("list", nmods)
  for(i in 1:nmods){
    formula_i <- mods$formula[[i]]
    nchangepoints_i <- mods$nchangepoints[i]
    data_i <- prep_TS_data(document_covariate_table, LDA_models, mods, i)
    TSmods[[i]] <- TS(data_i, formula_i, nchangepoints_i, "newmoon",
                      weights, TS_control())
  package_TS_on_LDA(TSmods, LDA_models, mods)
# }