Data Retriever using Julia

The wrapper module for Data Retriever has been implemented as Retriever. All the functions work and feel the same as the python Retriever module. The module has been created using $PyCall$ hence all the functions are analogous to the functions of Retriever python module.


To use Retriever, you first need to install the core Python retriever package. The simplest way to do this is to let Julia install it into an isolated Python environment by setting an environmental variable prior to installation:

julia> ENV["PYTHON"]=""
julia> Pkg.add("Retriever")

Alternatively you can install it yourself using either conda or pip (Python's package managers) which will also provide access to the package in Python and the command line interface.

conda install -c conda-forge retriever
pip install retriever

Then install the Julia package without setting the environmental variable:

    julia> Pkg.add("Retriever")

To install from Source, download or checkout the source from the github page.

Go to Retriever.jl/src. Run Julia.

    julia> include("Retriever.jl")

(Note: If you want help in installing Julia you can follow this tutorial


The Retriever has both built-in and recipe scripts. The Retriever's built-in scripts as part of the installation. Each recipe provides the information to retriever on how to install a dataset. Recipes are contributed by a variety of users including data owners, data users, and the Retriever maintainers.

Get list of all the available datasets in Retriever.

    """ Function Definition """
    function dataset_names()

    julia> Retriever.dataset_names()

Updating scripts to the latest version.

    """ Function Definition """
    function check_for_updates()

    julia> Retriever.check_for_updates()

Get list of datasets based on searching by keywords and licenses..

    """ Function Definition """
    function get_dataset_names_upstream(keywords::String="", licenses::String="", repo::String="")

    julia> Retriever.get_dataset_names_upstream("birds data")

Get the recipe for a specific dataset.

    """ Function Definition """
    function get_script_upstream(dataset, repo::String="")

    julia> Retriever.get_script_upstream("fia-florida")

Reload scripts.

    """ Function Definition """
    function reload_scripts()

    julia> Retriever.reload_scripts()

Delete information stored by Retriever which could be scripts, connections or data.

    """ Function Definition """
    function reset_retriever(; scope::AbstractString="all")

    """ Using default variable all"""
    julia> Retriever.reset_retriever()
    """ Set scope as scripts """
    julia> Retriever.reset_retriever(scope="scripts")

To download datasets the $download$ function can be used.

    """ Function Definition """
    function download(dataset; path::AbstractString="./", quite::Bool=false,
                subdir::Bool=false, use_cache::Bool=false, debug::Bool=false)


Installing scripts into engines.

    """ Function Definition """
    function install_csv(dataset; table_name=nothing, compile::Bool=false,
                debug::Bool=false, quite::Bool=false, use_cache::Bool=true)

    function install_mysql(dataset; user::AbstractString="root",
                password::AbstractString="", host::AbstractString="localhost",
                port::Int=3306, database_name=nothing, table_name=nothing,
                compile::Bool=false, debug::Bool=false, quite::Bool=false,

    function install_postgres(dataset; user::AbstractString="postgres",
                password::AbstractString="", host::AbstractString="localhost",
                port::Int=5432, database::AbstractString="postgres",
                database_name=nothing, table_name=nothing, compile::Bool=false,
                debug::Bool=false, quite::Bool=false, use_cache::Bool=true)

    function install_sqlite(dataset; file=nothing, table_name=nothing,
                compile::Bool=false, debug::Bool=false, quite::Bool=false,

    function install_msaccess(dataset; file=nothing, table_name=nothing,
                compile::Bool=false, debug::Bool=false, quite::Bool=false,

    function install_json(dataset; table_name=nothing, compile::Bool=false,
                debug::Bool=false, quite::Bool=false, use_cache::Bool=true)

    function install_xml(dataset; table_name=nothing, compile::Bool=false,
                debug::Bool=false, quite::Bool=false, use_cache::Bool=true)

    julia> Retriever.install_csv("iris")
    julia> Retriever.install_mysql("iris")
    julia> Retriever.install_postgres("iris")
    julia> Retriever.install_sqlite("iris")
    julia> Retriever.install_msaccess("iris")
    julia> Retriever.install_json("iris")
    julia> Retriever.install_xml("iris")

Retriever Provenance

Retriever allows committing of datasets and installation of the committed dataset into the database of your choice at a later date. This ensures that the previous outputs/results can be produced easily.

Retriever supports committing of a dataset into a compressed archive.

    julia> Retriever.commit("portal")
    julia> Retriever.commit('abalone-age', 'First chapter data version 1')
    julia> Retriever.commit_log("portal")

You can install committed datasets by using the hash-value or by providing the path of the compressed archive. Installation using hash-value is supported only for datasets stored in the provenance directory.

    julia> Retriever.install_sqlite('')
    julia> Retriever.install_sqlite('abalone-age', '02ee77')