Skip to contents

Upon creation (or updating) of the directory, all the standard file and subdirectory paths are set based on directory_settings.
paths produces the full path list, whose contents can then also be accessed with specialized functions, see Details.
There is also a special function for the shiny application location, which could either be referencing the file or folder.


paths(main = ".")

models_rmd_path(main = ".")

models_html_path(main = ".")

about_md_path(main = ".")

rodents_profiles_html_path(main = ".")

rodents_profiles_csv_path(main = ".")

rodents_datasets_controls_path(main = ".")

models_controls_path(main = ".")

rodents_dataset_path(main = ".", dataset = "all")

species_names_path(main = ".")

climate_forecasts_paths(main = ".")

forecasts_metadata_path(main = ".")

forecasts_evaluations_path(main = ".")

forecasts_results_path(main = ".")

newmoons_path(main = ".")

covariates_path(main = ".")

metadata_path(main = ".")

www_path(main = ".")

app_paths(main = ".")

data_path(main = ".")

forecasts_path(main = ".")

fits_path(main = ".")

models_path(main = ".")

resources_path(main = ".")



character value of the name of the main component of the directory tree.


character value of name of rodent dataset.


list of directory paths or specific character paths.


Wrapper functions for specific subdirectories and files include:

  • Files

    • rodents_dataset_path

    • species_names_path

    • climate_forecasts_paths

    • forecasts_metadata_path

    • forecasts_evaluations_path

    • forecasts_results_path

    • newmoons_path

    • covariates_path

    • metadata_path

    • models_controls_path

    • models_rmd_path

    • rodents_profiles_html_path

    • rodents_profiles_csv_path

  • Subdirectories

    • www_path

    • data_path

    • forecasts_path

    • fits_path

    • models_path

  • Shiny Application

    • app_paths


if (FALSE) {
   main1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "standard")
   create_dir(main = main1)

   paths(main = main1)

   newmoons_path(main = main1)

   species_names_path(main = main1)
   rodents_dataset_path(main = main1)
   rodents_datasets_paths(main = main1)

   covariates_path(main = main1)
   climate_forecasts_paths(main = main1)

   metadata_path(main = main1)

   forecasts_metadata_path(main = main1)
   forecasts_evaluations_path(main = main1)
   forecasts_results_path(main = main1)

   models_controls_path(main = main1)

   models_rmd_path(main = main1)
   models_html_path(main = main1)
   about_md_path(main = main1)
   rodents_profiles_html_path(main = main1)
   rodents_profiles_csv_path(main = main1)

   app_paths(main = main1)

   www_path(main = main1)
   data_path(main = main1)
   forecasts_path(main = main1)
   fits_path(main = main1)
   models_path(main = main1)
   resources_path(main = main1)